Photography Show Press Release



Art Exhibit: August through October- Abstract and Landscape Photography of Jimmy ienner, Jr. 

Opening Reception: August 19th, 4pm to 7pm, in conjunction with BF3F

Location: Flat Iron Exchange, 51 the Square, Bellows Falls, VT 05101

More information, please call: 802-460-0357

Starting August 1st, and throughout the month of October, the Flat Iron Exchange will be showcasing the photographic artwork of Jimmy ienner, Jr. 

Jimmy’s true passion lies in landscape photography andphotojournalism.  He has been enamored with railroads since he was young, even having his own model train room as a boy.  His passion led him to Bellows Falls, Vermont in the summer of 1993.  Being one of a selected few given private access to the Green Mountain Railroad, Jimmy fell in love with the environment in which Bellows Falls sits.  Year after year, Jimmy has returned with camera in hand, slowly acquiring a large catalogue of images.  He now brings to you some of his work from years in the making of Abstract and Landscape photography.  The shots represent the Old Railroad and Old Mills in Bellows Falls VT, including some shots taken just across the river in New Hampshire at the Historic Round House. 

Meet the artist at the opening reception on August 19th from 4pm to 7pm, being held in conjunction with BF3F, Bellows Falls 3rd Friday. Chocolates, ice cream and other treats are being planned. Local talent, Josh Maiocco will be playing acoustically during the evening. 

Partial proceeds to benefit The Preservation Trust of Vermont projects within the town of Rockingham.

Jimmy ienner, Jr. has worked for Apple Inc., NARAS (GRAMMYs),  Sony Music Entertainment Inc., Columbia Records, Newsweek and The Fraternal Order of Police (Washington, D.C.) as a photographer and video director. From the 1990's to the late 2000's, Jimmy was one of the most published photographers in the entertainment industry.  He has photographed and directed some of the biggest names and most defining persons of our era. Jimmy has captured artists such as Michael Jackson, Bruce Springsteen, Roger Waters of Pink Floyd, and Mariah Carey, actors including Robert De Niro, Peter Boyle, and Kevin Bacon, even sitting-leaders of the free world-Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, over a career that has spanned nearly three decades.